Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Warhammer to D&D conversions primer.

I have tasked myself with converting stats for Warhammer Fantasy Batles army listings, to Dungeons and Dragons B/X. This is something I have been thinking about for a long time - the Warhammer 40000 stats, actually, but never gotten around to given that it is ultimately irrelevant. Why not just nick what's interesting, and then assign the hit dice and special abilities that seems to work? Well, it's something to do, and it's interesting to see the result.
I am also at some point going to make a campaign setting based solely on info from The World of Warhammer: The Official Illustrated Guide to the Fantasy World. In this project I will leave the monster stats to a different model I am messing about with, and it will be fun to compare.

I have to set some guidelines to begin with to help gauge whether or not I am achieving my goal.
A standard imperial soldier must be half a hit die (1-4hp) creature, to fit the mold of "Normal Man" with an occupation as soldier. He is yet to be a veteran with a full (1-8hp) hit die. If the conversion model doesn't give me that, it's bust.
There need to be at least slight differences in the B/X stats when the Warhammer stat line differ, no matter how little.
All Warhammer stats must matter to the B/X stat block.

The stat lines I will be testing on initially are those of an Imperial Halberdier and that of an Orc Boy.

Imperial Halberdier - WH stats from Ravening Hordes:
M4, WS3, BS3, S3, T3, W1, I3 A1, Ld7.

Orc Boy - WH stats from Ravening Hordes:
M4, WS3, BS3, S3, T4, W1, I2 A1, Ld7.

In the above, the Orc will have a better chance to survive a blow from the Imperial (the Orc gets wounded on a d6 roll of 5+) then he one from the Orc (Imperial falls on a 4+). The Imperial get first strike however, so the orc might never get to take a swing. This doesn't need to be modeled in B/X, but there need to be some difference.

Let's have a look on what we can do. Move will model just that in B/X. Hit dice determine your hit points as well as your base hit number. Ones hit dice should therefore be based on WS (weapon skill) and BS (ballistics or bow skill) as these are what determine how well you hit in Warhammer, possible S (strength) and T (toughness) because of the hit bonus and the hit points bonus. But there are individual damage, and we also have the + hit point bonus in the monster stat block, so I like to use S and T for that, and keep hit dice based on skill scores. W (wounds) will likely fit best as a hit point bonus too, while a bonus/penalty to individual initiative will fit the I (initiative) score fine. A (attack) is best used for just that, and the Ld (leadership) will be for morale - like in the Warhammer Fantasy Battles game proper.
B/X        WHFB
AC          Actual armor
HD          WS, BS, and T and W for + bonus.
Move       M.
Attacks    A.
Damage   Weapon and S.
NA           N/A
Save as     Best fit for class. No class will normally be half of HD lv fighter.
Morale      Ld

Let's say that we have the calculation produce a x step number to avoid a 3 and a half hit die situation for instance. How would we make these charts?
Let's try.

Hit dice (step =Best version of WS or BS, with fitting to hit penalty to the inferior scores area).
1. 0.5hd.
2. 1hd.
3. 2hd.
4. 3hd.

Hit point bonus for T(oughness) number.
1. -2
2. -1
3. Nil.
4. +1
5. +2
6. +3

Hit point bonus for W(ounds) number.
1. Nil.
2. +1
3. +2
4. +3
5. +4
6. +5

Move per M point.
1. 30/10
2. 60/20
3. 90/30
4. 120/40
5. 150/50
6. 180/60
7. 210/70

Bonus damage per attack based on S(trenght).
1. -2
2. -1
3. Nil.
4. +1
5. +2
6. +3

I now feel most Warhammer Fantasy monsters will pale in comparison to B/X ones with this conversion method, but let's run the above, and maybe a few more.

Imperial Halberdier - WH stats from Ravening Hordes:
M4, WS3, BS3, S3, T3, W1, I3 A1, Ld7.
AC          7/6 (light armor (breast plate), and shield outside of close combat).
HD          0.5 (1-4hp)
Move       120/40
Attacks    1
Damage   1d10 (pole arm/no shield in close combat/always lose initiative)
NA           ?
Save as     F1
Morale      7

Orc Boy - WH stats from Ravening Hordes:
M4, WS3, BS3, S3, T4, W1, I2 A1, Ld7.
AC          6 (light armor and shield)
HD          0.5+1 (2-5hp)
Move       120/40
Attacks    1
Damage   1d6 (choppa counting as a club)
NA           ?
Save as     F1
Morale      7
Orc Boyz suffers -1 to individual initiative, being somewhat clumsy and dimwitted.

Ok, I'm not satisfied with this. The orc win initiative over the Imperial soldier, simply because B/X have an ill thought out rule regarding pole arms. On the other hand the blow from the orc have a lesser chance of downing the soldier if he is a B/X normal man with an occupation as soldier, given that he would be assigned 4 hit points. The orc would roll his, so the return blow from the halberd is likely to slay it. It's interesting though.

Let's take an ogre. They can serve both the - Empire and the Orc Waaarg - in the Ravening horde list's, that is.
Ogre - WH stats from Ravening Hordes:
M6, WS3, BS2, S4, T4, W3, I2 A3, Ld7.
AC          9
HD          0.5+3 (4-8hp)
Move       180/60
Attacks    3
Damage   1d6+1 (club)
NA           ?
Save as     F1
Morale      7
Ogres suffers -1 to individual initiative, being clumsy and dimwitted.

Again, it feels wrong. And too fast, right? But that's the conversion. And it does get 3 of those attacks.

Now let's take the Dragon for a fly.
Dragon - WH stats from Ravening Hordes:
M,6 WS6, BS0, S6, T6, W6, I3, A5, Ld8.
AC          2 (dragon scales)
HD          5+8 (13-48hp)
Move       180/60 (ground movement - not sure how far they can fly as I don't have the full rules book anymore)
Attacks    5 (and fire - that I don't have a conversion for, yet)
Damage   d8+5
NA           ?
Save as    F3
Morale     8

I guess I do the Greater daemon of Khorn, a General/Elector Count of the Empire, and an Orc War Boss, were after I carbon freeze this sucker as it doesn't yield the desired results. WHFB stats will not be written as I don't wish to infringe on the copyright of Games Workshop. The above is in my mind fair use, but now the point have been made.

Imperial General.
AC          4 (heavy armor and shield)
HD          5+3 (8-43)
Move       120/40
Attacks    4
Damage   d8+1 (sword)
NA           1
Save as    F5
Morale     9
The General is quit able to employ ranged weaponry, yet focus more on directing the troops under his command, and personal defense if need be. Therefore he utilize missile weapons only as a 4hd creature.
The general have learnt to strike at the most opportune time, not only with his men, but also his blade. He enjoy a +3 to individual initiative.

Orc (not Black Orc) Warboss.
AC          5 (heavy armor)
HD          6+4 (10-52hp)
Move       120/40
Attacks    4
Damage   d10+1 ('uge choppa counting as two-handed sword)
NA           1
Save as    F3
Morale     9
The orcs are well able to throw stuff, and some may work a bow - somewhat. But staying back from a fight doesn't fit the greenskins view of a good time, and so the Warboss only do the ranged thing as a 3 hit dice monster.
Greenskin cunning is, well. I guess they do learn war. The War Boss receive a +1 to individual initiative.

AC          -9 (HEAVY METAL) ok... its actually only freaking ac6 - 7 against magic.
HD          10+3 (13-83)
Move       180/60 - and can fly, bur again I fail to recall aerial movement in the 6th edition WHFB rules.
Attacks    8
Damage   d10+4 (Axe of Khorn counts as pole arm, and can harm any creature for full damage regardless of resistances or to-hit requirements)
NA           1
Save as    F5 (MU14 when magical)
Morale     12 (Ld is 10, but they never break combat).
Fast and deadly, Bloodthirsters have a +7 to individual initiative.

Fun as this was, I leave it for now. The "The World of Warhammer: The Official Illustrated Guide to the Fantasy World" project is still on, but won't be based on conversion models.

Have a good one.

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