Friday, May 6, 2016

Space: Above and Beyond - Kill the right thruster you stupid tank!

I just finished watching the to part pilot of Space: Above and Beyond. It's the first time since 1996 when I'm pretty sure it ran on Danish TV, And it hooked me again. It's funny how much I remember from just those two episodes. Anyway, this entry isn't interesting to anyone, I guess. I just wanted to give the show a shout out. I watched it every time on TV at some time after 02:00 at night - no wonder it wasn't big over here :D Too bad it got cut before any wrap up. I think I read the reason in a magazine ones, but I can't remember it. It beats Star Wars and Star Track in my book. I ones had a facebook profile named Clear Sky Blue Sea, which is a positive rewrite of a term I heard in that show. Looking at the vid files I think it's s1e22: Sugar Dirt, but I will see in the days to come :)

Oh, and that theme music ^_^

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