Wednesday, May 25, 2016

All religious people in jail!

Unbelievable. Two days ago I read in the newspaper, at work, about a church that closed itself after one of their priests had abused some people from the congregation sexually. Reading the article made it very understandable, but at first I commented on the title only with a bit of wonder about why they would close the whole Church - not having read it yet. This prompted one of my colleagues to strongly state that he wanted all Churches to be closed – by force, we understood. As I asked him why, he told me that they were harmful to people. After telling him how some of his own interest that do accept members down to at least three years of age (so no free chose, really) could be considered harmful to people (professional soccer, in this case) he got angry – of course, as he strongly disagreed. Then I asked him if people should be thrown in jail for attending Church after they had been closed, as you know they would be (even if we start with fines, money to pay will eventually run out, and people will still go) he said yes! I then started listing people at our work that would be incarcerated, or whom spouse would be – most of them present at this time but not saying a word, and asked if he really meant that. Shockingly he said “I thing so”! Then I asked him “are you so arrogant that you think that you know what is bast for people, and rally think you can jail them for disagreeing with you. Now he was about to loose it, so might be answering without thinking. But he said yes again! Still no one backed me up, and after he left there were just complete silence.


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