Sunday, September 17, 2023

I, won?

Well, I got the kill.

This is a continuation from the last posts on the Skeleton Caverns from Micro RPG. Go check them out.

I got the "rules as written" idea that I really had encountered all other monsters when it came to calculate weather or not the boss might appear, even if the encounters were spread across delves. The chapbook doesn't specify, so why make it difficult for myself!

Referring to the map of the last post, I encountered four skeleton archers in the first stone room, then six putrid rats in the second stone room, then encountered even more (six again) rats in the crypts, and then finally saw the foul necromancer who was behind all the trouble stand with a long knife raised above his head, pointing down towards the beautiful millers daughter who appeared to be drugged or some such.

As I launched forward the foul being thrusted the blade downwards and a bright flash threw me back so I hit the wall just next the the door which lead back to the crypt. As I came to, I saw the necromancer was now covered in white flames, and coming towards me. Scared as I was (lost all the WI tests) I chopped till the bastard dropped! Hoo-yeahh!!! Then I found three gold...

I had used 100 gold to level up, about two delves ago, and that new ST of four really payed off! Also, I got to use my relatively new crossbow even though the ranged step had me rolling for ones. Got a hit in twice! Money well spend.

I bit of an aside, I got the Deluxe Core Rulebook a few weeks back! I still went chapbook-rules-as-written till the end, but will be using the Deluxe together with Rules Of The House and some other addons, like my own house rules, for my next delve.

I've passed

Monday, January 16, 2023

How many alters does one Necromancer need?!

 Welcome back to the exciding adventures of what's his (or her, IDK yet) name!

It's been a while, but here is the second part of the expedition to the skeleton caverns.

As I had returned to town from the first foray in to the caverns, I bought a blessed suit of armor, and a shield. I lost my original character sheet, and assumed I got the cloak, but later found out it was the chainmail. To late to fix now, so I had a great axe, a cloak over my blessed armor, and a shield (perhaps great axe and shield seems odd, but my dude (or chick?) rock like that) as I went in the second time. I didn't get to explore further then the second stone room before redrawing from the dungeon ones more, but am by now following the written rules (the I originally misunderstood do to 1.0 ed. mental disruption) and rolled for monsters every time I went in to a room - not just a "new" room. No Chapbook without a few misses, so I'm staying true!
In town I got a bit of ale, because my play piece get a bit shaken with a charisma of only 1.

Now we rock, smashing skeleton guards, and what not. We push two more rooms south, finding bloody alters in both of them. Interior designer wanted? Well, at least now I have a place to boss hunt. Three rooms next to each other with boss chances (crypt, alter, alter) make it simple. Go back and forth in the stone rooms until all other monsters have been encountered, then prance around in the crypt, and around the alters. Ceeelebrate good times come-on!

Now, that's a bit boring, so I will push further in to the inky darkness, hunting patiently the vile filth which hide there from the light of truth and justice. But I got a retirement plan now, so there's that.
I went back first, though. Can't live of bread crusts and ale alone, my sweet and beautiful wife tells me...

Character record for now:
Advancements: 0
Name: ?
Race: Human
Class: With a CH and DE of 1 I guess Lover is out of the question, so...

St 3
De 1
Wi 3
Ch 1

Proficiency: St

Ranged: Great Axe (d6+1)
Armor: Cloak (+6h), Blessed Armor (+6h&w), Shield (+3h).

Items: potion, bread crust, 3x ale, 2x holy water.

Gold: 30

Health: 39 (24+6+6+3)
Will: 30 (24+6)

Oh, and I realized I shouldn't make an "E" room by 0.0 rules, but it doesn't do any difference now, so I leave it in.

Good health!